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The Mortality Trends tool shows time trends in mortality rates in over 40 countries. You can use the tool to search by country, cause of death, year, and age group, and can download plots in PDF or EMF format.

Most mortality rates were calculated using data from the World Health Organization (WHO). Population data are from the United Nations Population Division. Neither of these organisations are responsible for any of the tool’s content.

Information on data sources, International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes, and mortality rate calculations are in the Information tab on the tool. 


You are welcome to download and use graphs from this tool provided that you include this credit: Source: (Hosted by Oxford Population Health) using World Health Organization mortality and United Nations Population Division data. 

If you have any comments on this tool, please email Sarah Lewington or Ben Lacey.  

The Mortality Trends project began on 8 May 2008 as a collection of graphs showing trends in mortality rates for two countries. Initially called MORtrends, it became Mortality Trends on 6 March 2010, and by the end of that year, encompassed full sets of graphs for 40 countries

The graphs were compiled by Oxford-based epidemiologist, Gary Whitlock. Gary died of a rare type of cancer, parotid carcinoma, on 18 October 2013. We are indebted to him for pioneering the Mortality Trends concept.