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Thyroid cancer risk to children calculated.

Journal article

Jacob P. et al, (1998), Nature, 392, 31 - 32

Breast cancer and combined oral contraceptives: Results from the Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer

Conference paper

Beral V. and Reeves G., (1998), NEW INSIGHTS IN GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS, 219 - 221

Overview of the epidemiology of immunodeficiency-associated cancers.

Journal article

Beral V. and Newton R., (1998), J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr, 1 - 6

Alcohol consumption and mortality among middle-aged and elderly U.S. adults.

Journal article

Thun MJ. et al, (1997), N Engl J Med, 337, 1705 - 1714

Malevolent monty

Journal article

Peto R., (1997), New Scientist, 154

Spontaneous abortion in dry cleaning workers potentially exposed to perchloroethylene.

Journal article

Doyle P. et al, (1997), Occup Environ Med, 54, 848 - 853

Early health effects of the emerging tobacco epidemic in China. A 16-year prospective study.

Journal article

Chen ZM. et al, (1997), JAMA, 278, 1500 - 1504

Interferon alfa versus chemotherapy for chronic myeloid leukemia: A meta-analysis of seven randomized trials

Journal article

Delannoy A. et al, (1997), Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 89, 1616 - 1620

Risk factors for Kaposi's sarcoma in HIV-positive subjects in Uganda.

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Ziegler JL. et al, (1997), AIDS, 11, 1619 - 1626

There is no such thing as aging.

Journal article

Peto R. and Doll R., (1997), BMJ, 315, 1030 - 1032

A human germ project?

Journal article

Danesh J. et al, (1997), Nature, 389, 21 - 24

The epidemiology of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: comparison of nodal and extra-nodal sites.

Journal article

Newton R. et al, (1997), Int J Cancer, 72, 923 - 930

Epidemiology - A human germ project?

Journal article

Danesh J. et al, (1997), NATURE, 389, 21 - &

Epidemiology. A human germ project?

Journal article

Danesh J. et al, (1997), Nature, 389, 21 - 24