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Tobacco--the growing epidemic in China.

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Effect of ambient solar ultraviolet radiation on incidence of squamous-cell carcinoma of the eye.

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Radiotherapy and surgery in early breast cancer - Reply

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Cancer in Rwanda.

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Newton R. et al, (1996), Int J Cancer, 66, 75 - 81

Cholesterol and risk of stroke - Reply

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Cholesterol and risk of stroke.

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Health of children born to medical radiographers.

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Magnesium theory in acute myocardial infarction.

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Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus and Kaposi's sarcoma in Africa. Uganda Kaposi's Sarcoma Study Group.

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Preterm premature rupture of membranes.

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Breast cancer trends in women in Sweden, the UK, and the USA in relation to their past use of oral contraceptives

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Beral V. et al, (1996), HORMONAL CARCINOGENESIS II, 99 - 106

Conclusions and recommendations

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Beral V. et al, (1996), CHEMOPREVENTION IN CANCER CONTROL, 139 - 140